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Customer Expectations

Customer Expectations

Doug Leather suggest there are three questions to think about when it comes to changing how we work with customers. The questions are designed to get us thinking. The ideas originally came from Peppers and Rogers. I’m a big fan of their work.

Our work, as digital executives, is to be focused, even obsessed, with our customers. Our mission is no less that total transformation.

Here are the questions:

  1. Who is the one stakeholder, whom if you maximized the return thereof, would benefit ALL stakeholders?
  2. Would you agree that customers create 100% of business value in almost all cases?
  3. What do shareholders & investors really want?

I’m guilty! I admit that I’m a customer-centric evangelist because quite frankly, how else can you build meaningful competitive advantage? Customer-centricity is all about differentiation and it’s almost impossible to sustain differentiation around product, price and distribution footprint. But you can sustain differentiation around your customer knowledge, insights and understanding.  via Customer-Centric Transformation a no-brainer: Check out why! | Doug Leather’s Blog.