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We can be a part of what is great. It isn’t easy some days. It is a fight. We need our people singularly focused on the great experience not just the OK.  A digital business should amaze not bore. Mediocrity is our enemy.

Seth Godin explains it well.Seth Godin

Even really good people, really well-intentioned people, then, end up in organizations that plod toward mediocre, interrupted by random errors and dropped balls.

This can be fixed. It can be addressed, but only by a never-ending fight for greatness.

Greatness can’t be a policy, and it’s hard to delegate to bureaucrats. But yes, greatness is something that people can work for, create an insurgency around and once in a while, actually achieve. It’s a commitment, not an event.

via Seth’s Blog: Entropy, bureaucracy and the fight for great.